Thriving at Work

Humans of Purpose Academy invites you on the journey to a truly inclusive workplace. Walk your gender equal talk with us and support your employees who have experienced domestic and family violence to thrive.

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Workplace policies, compulsory leave and your EAP are essential elements of the required mix to best support women and non-binary victim-survivors - but they're not enough. A national crisis, the cost of domestic and family violence is estimated at $22b annually. We’re not shifting the dial as a society, but your workplace can lead the way.

Why a Workplace Hub?

  • Accessible - members can participate Australia-wide on work breaks, and in their own time - WITHOUT the nee to disclose to their employer

  • Provides peer support which research tells us is significant in the recovery journey

  • Our Community as a Service (CaaS) model delivers benefits one organisation alone cannot create

  • Protects anonymity if employees do not wish to disclose but need support

  • Other similar professional growth communities are not based in trauma recovery evidence and contextualised for DFV survivors

  • Improves productivity and performance at work

What is our Workplace Hub?

Women survivors are drowning, not waving, at work and their plight is invisible to management and can leave a woman’s employment status vulnerable. We’ve built Australia’s first virtual Workplace Hub to provide the tangible support women need and are not getting through your EAP or anywhere else.

Our Community as a Service model is a cost effective solution for you build your organisation’s capacity to care and support women and non-binary employees.

Women survivors benefit as they:

  • Learn new skills to navigate their trauma and circumstances

  • Connect socially to learn from peers and shared experience - they’re less isolated

  • Feel supported and empowered

  • Maintain productivity and career progression

  • Grow their confidence to manage the competing demands on them

Download our Workplace Hub information pack: