Re-define futures with us. Count her in. Back their future.

We’re always looking for great people and organisations to partner with us, here are some ways that you or your organisation can support our work…

Employment Partnerships

Are you looking to achieve DE&I targets, and need great talent to work in your organisation? We are always on the lookout for employers who we can work with as women come through the Academy, and are ready for their next role. Whether it’s a placement or a long-term role, reach out to us today - we can even train talent specific to the job you need done!

Corporate Partnerships

There are so many ways we can work together. At Humans of Purpose Academy we partner with a variety of corporates who take giant leaps with us to create the social impact we all envision.


You’re upgrading? We’ll take your dated ones if they’re in great working condition! Contact us today!

Skilled volunteers

Whether deployed to a short term fixed project or subject matter experts to deliver a Masterclass in our Hub, we’d love to chat with you about your people and how they can get involved. 


Read more about our Mentoring program and start your journey with us.

Bespoke partnerships

Reach out to us today to discuss fundraising with us, events, or sponsorship, we have a number of tailored options to make a big difference.

Community partnerships

We love collaboration - so if you’re working with survivors, or you support cohorts of women and non-binary people who would benefit from our Hub or Digital Futures training, reach out and talk to us today

Knowledge partnerships

Delivering digital skills training in a rapidly changing technology environment means we’re constantly looking for ways to innovate around how we train and what we’re training in. If you’re a tech company, a tech expert, a digital expert, we’d love to connect

Subject Matter Experts

Our Masterclasses and workshops are all delivered free - if you have expertise in a subject area that would support survivors’ recovery journey, from money matters to parenting and emotional regulation, we’d be thrilled for you to offer a session in our Hub. Reach out to us today and we’ll let you know what’s involved and how we like to share the love with shout outs to you across our communications channels.  Reach out today!

Get in touch to discuss how you can partner with Humans of Purpose Academy