It took Emma 8 years after fleeing violence to get back to work

Read the original article in 9Honey here…

When Emma* left her husband after almost a decade of emotional, verbal and financial abuse, the last thing on her mind was getting a job.

Most Australians have no idea how severely domestic and family violence (DFV) can affect a woman's career for years after the abuse took place.

One in four Aussie women have experienced DFV andο»Ώ more than 83 per cent of survivors – about two million Aussies – report that it has directly impacted their job, just like Emma.ο»Ώ

It took her eight years to get back into a steady job after leaving her ex, who stripped away her self-esteem over a decade of emotional and verbal abuse.

"When I was with him, I was told I was useless, worthless," she tells 9Honey.

Emma got pregnant with their first child early in the relationship and the couple agreed she'd stop work to be a stay-at-home mum.

They had two more kids and he grew more controlling and abusive, calling Emma 'lazy' for not working and limiting her access to their finances.

For almost 10 years, Emma believed his behaviour was her fault. 

"Just before I left, I rang a friend in absolute tears one night," she says. "She rang me back the next morning in tears and said, 'I have to tell you this, you're in an abusive relationship.'"

Her world came crashing down not long after, when an argument between Emma and her ex turned physical. 

Emma called the police and they told her to flee the home, prompting her to finally leave him and start the most dangerous period of time for survivors of abuse.

Violence can increase by up to 75 per cent in the two years after a woman leaves and more than 70 per cent of domestic violence-related murders happen upon separation.

Emma's ex wasn't physically violent when she left, but the emotional and financial abuse continued as he cancelled her bank cards and dragged out any legal processes.

He still thinks that I've stolen his money.

When he was ordered to pay Emma child support and spousal maintenance, as she had been a stay-at-home mum to their kids for years, he "lost his s--t" at her.

"He's never forgiven me for that. He still thinks that I've stolen his money, not stopping to consider the fact that I stopped work, which we both agreed upon, to be on at home to raise the kids," Emma says.

The first year after she left in 2009 was dominated by legal battles, then Emma had to fend for herself as she tried to get back into the workforce with limited support.

Family violence services were hard to come by then, especially ones that provided employment pathways, so Emma was on her own.

Many obstacles prevent DFV survivors from having successful careers, from confidence issues, to rΓ©sumΓ© gaps and needing support and flexibility in the workplace.

"I was also dealing with mental health stuff at that time too. I had a few different bouts of depression," Emma adds. "It was like my soul had been sucked out of me."

Diagnosed with complex PTSD, anxiety and depression, Emma wasn't in the right headspace to return to work without proper support but had no other option.

She started doing odd jobs for cash, then got work waitressing and working as a cleaner.

"I'd been in survival mode for so long. I needed to pay the bills, I needed to pay the rent," she says. 

Maybe if she'd had access to an organisation like Banksia Academy back then, things would have been different.

Founded by Melanie Greblo, Banksia Academy provides free guidance and support for DFV survivors through training, education, and vital employment pathways.

"I will come through and this isn't going to be forever."

It's one of a number of programs finally addressing the devastating impact DFV has on women's careers and work opportunities in Australia.

"A huge issue we see is the impact of domestic violence on a survivor's confidence levels, it can absolutely shatter their confidence," Greblo tells 9Honey.

"For women who have been out of work for a while, they are unsure of where to start and have huge gaps in their CVs that prevent them from being employed."

Banksia Academy helps women rediscover their confidence, prepare to return to work and secure employment in supportive workplaces that recognise their needs.

Because addressing the impacts of DFV on women's careers isn't just about getting survivors back to work, it's also about creating safe, informed workplaces.

More than 60 per cent of DFV survivors are employed and in any given Aussie workplace, up to 20 per cent of employees have experienced DFV. These women need support.ο»Ώ

That means training managers to recognise and respond to signs of DFV, offering specialised support, referring women to DFV services, and allowing flexible work.

"Flexible, part-time or remote work is really ideal for a lot of these women so they can still attend appointments, care for their children, handle court preparations, etc.," Greblo notes.

Not only does this help survivors like Emma get back into the workforce, offering wrap-around DFV support at work can boost staff retention, morale and productivity.

Emma has now been in a steady job as a teacher's aide for six years and though she still feels the lingering effects of DFV, services like Banksia Academy give her hope.

"I do feel in some ways that I am still stuck, but I also believe that with the therapy I'm doing, I will come through and that this isn't going to be forever," she says.

*Name changed for privacy.

If you or someone you know is in need of support contact 1800RESPECT on 1800 732 732 or Lifeline on 13 11 14. In an emergency dial Triple Zero (000).


Here’s How Workplaces can Support Women Survivors of Domestic Violence


Banksia Academy Hub in MamaMag